Title: Caleb The Shadow Wrangler
Authors: Sarah McCarty
Published: The Berkley Publishing Group
First thing:
Alright ya’ll this book was amazing; not just working and protecting their asses from a feud of werewolves, but they are cowboys living the highlife. There is action, suspense, and love from the brothers that will stick together. In the end the cowboys are vampires searching for anything and everything to make sure that their lives are safe. In the end the book kept me up all night long, keeping my brain piled up with ‘what happens next’? I would recommend this to anyone that has romance under that heart of yours, loves it when a man protects his love, and loves vampires that are hot, sexy, and keep you from your real world. This book and I state that this book kept me from my real world…so pick up a copy and go into their fantasy were you will meet them, understand that they are living like true cowboys, and know each character.
Three rogue brothers, McClaren werewolf pack, and a beautiful woman name Allie. Allie is determined that she is in love with Caleb Johnson who is in love with her. Caleb is left to questions, answers, and the love of a woman. Did he make the right choice to let his love Allie stay with him. This is dangerous time and that danger is heading to them. He has but one choice and that is to protect her in the end, but will it be enough to save her life?
Last thing:
After reading this book all you have left is the romance. This book is one that I loved as it was written beautifully. The language of dialogue was in perfect synchronized and the character’s personalities showed throughout this book and you get a taste of what each of them. Although it might seem at first slow in the first chapter, you better buckle you seat, put on that cowboy or cowgirl ride, and get ready for a book that bucks and kicks with amazedness. This book is a must read for all those who as I said love sexiness, love, and romance.
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